Minecraft servers/c1
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LizardNet private Minecraft server. Connection instructions below.
This is a private server. You must have authorization to join. Details on what this authorization is and how to get it follows, though in general, access to private servers is by invitation only. Private servers are usually highly restricted, and unless you've been invited to this server specifically you may wish to try to join a public or semi-private server instead (see the full server list).

The Tsar Creeper
- Don't mess with creations you don't have permission to mess with.
- Build well away from spawn
- FastLizard4 (UUID: 1f596170-2563-4e32-91fd-df3e55ea7d3c)
- CoreProtect
- Vanish NoPacket
- TagAPI
- BananaChunk
- Custom Join Message
- ProtocolLib
- BKCommonLib (development build)
- NoLagg
- LagMeter