Interwiki table log
From LizardWiki, FastLizard4's wiki and website
This is a log of changes to the interwiki table.
- 07:24, 24 January 2014 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "kiwiirc" ( (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table
- 21:59, 21 October 2013 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "lizardirc-webchat" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table
- 09:47, 20 September 2013 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) modified prefix "mcw" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) in the interwiki table (New URL)
- 05:43, 19 June 2013 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "mcw" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table (minecraftwiki)
- 02:43, 23 April 2013 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "subdomain" (https://$ (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table (Site subdomains)
- 16:38, 19 February 2013 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) removed prefix "root" from the interwiki table (Nuking this old prefix since it's a bit outdated, and any links using it are probably outdated too)
- 01:17, 4 February 2013 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "mw" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table (MediaWiki abbreviation)
- 08:40, 3 February 2013 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) modified prefix "acc" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) in the interwiki table (Stable toolserver got decomissioned a long time ago :P)
- 08:58, 24 June 2012 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) modified prefix "serverroot" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) in the interwiki table (Reflect new domain)
- 08:58, 24 June 2012 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) modified prefix "lizardbug" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) in the interwiki table (Reflect new domain)
- 03:10, 2 July 2010 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) modified prefix "lizardbug" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) in the interwiki table (New BugZilla location)
- 09:43, 31 May 2010 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "serverroot" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table (A shortcut to the server's root)
- 01:55, 21 April 2010 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "metroid" ($1) (trans: 1; local: 1) to the interwiki table (Requested by User:RAN1)
- 01:52, 21 April 2010 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "wikitroid" ($1) (trans: 1; local: 1) to the interwiki table (Requested by User:RAN1)
- 05:31, 30 March 2009 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "lizardbug" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table (BugZilla installation)
- 05:30, 30 March 2009 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) removed prefix "bug" from the interwiki table (borked)
- 05:26, 30 March 2009 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "bug" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table (Link to the wiki's bugzilla install)
- 07:59, 28 March 2009 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) modified prefix "root" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) in the interwiki table (This is the new location of my site root)
- 00:24, 4 August 2008 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) modified prefix "n" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) in the interwiki table (fix)
- 00:23, 4 August 2008 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "n" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table (Adding an easy link to Wikinews)
- 19:02, 30 June 2008 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "root" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table (Links to the root of my website)
- 18:12, 25 June 2008 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "acc" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table (ACC)
- 22:16, 20 June 2008 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "cluewiki" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table (Adding ClueWiki to the interwiki table)
- 22:28, 9 May 2008 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) modified prefix "w" ($1) (trans: 1; local: 1) in the interwiki table (allow scary transcluding)
- 20:16, 22 April 2008 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "chrisg" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table (Chris G's wiki)
- 19:31, 22 April 2008 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "w" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table (Shortcut for wikipedia: interwiki link)
- 19:30, 22 April 2008 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) modified prefix "wikia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) in the interwiki table (Making local)
- 19:28, 22 April 2008 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "wwtw" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table (User:Whole Wheat Toast's wiki)
- 19:10, 22 April 2008 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "uncyclopedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table (Uncyc!)
- 19:05, 22 April 2008 FastLizard4 (Talk | contribs) added prefix "m" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 1) to the interwiki table (Adding better link to metawikimedia)